Wood Ornaments

In Loving Memory

This gallery contains a collection of wood cut / engraved ornament designs.

For the majority of designs, prices start at $15 and vary, depending on the amount of personalization and design details. Holiday bows vary based on inventory.

If you have something else in mind for a design - or need some help finalizing your vision, feel free to contact us with any questions.


Custom engraved handwriting ornaments are generally $20. This includes a brief message as well as additional details like a specific year or DOB/DOD, etc. Holiday vows vary based on inventory.

Regarding the writing sample - if possible, have the person write their message on a plain white piece of paper with a black sharpie or felt tip marker. Clean, crisp lines are the best to work with. If a current writing sample isn’t possible, you can send me a photo of what you have (for best results, take photo in natural lighting with minimal shadows). I will create a digital file of the writing and send it back to you for review/approval before beginning the work. Note that the price may vary if additional labor time is required in order to convert the writing to a digital image.